Monday, April 6, 2009

This is seriously confusing to me...

I have had food issues" on and off for years now. No one has ever diagnosed me with "anorexia", but I'm glad. I feel like I would have even MORE food issues if I was officially diagnosed. So I've been having problems for a few years but I am certainly new to the online community and new to sharing any of my feelings about this topic that is usually kept so quiet. I've noticed something really interesting and confusing in this community though. It seems a lot of people are caught up with who is a "real anorexic" or a "wannarexic" or whatever they call it. Aren't these things both problems? Whether someone is full on anorexic or someone is starving themselves for a while to lose weight, aren't they both an issue? I don't see why people are pointing fingers at "wannarexics" when it seems to me that they have a problem as well! Maybe I am not understanding the definition of a "wannarexic"...I'm really not sure. All I know is, if someone is starving
themselves to lose weight it is still a problem and they shouldn't be having angry fingers pointed at them...I also don't understand what gratification these "real anorexics" are getting from it. Who really cares is all I need to know lol.

I am 109.0 today. I'm planning on sleeping most of tomorrow so I can sleep through a few meals. I get my hair cut tomorrow, FINALLY.

I feel like I've been a good friend today. I helped everyone at my work with their issues. They didn't ask about mine of course, but it's okay. I'm a helper, not the person who gets help. Well actually, I'm the person who doesn't share their feelings and everyone gets annoyed with. That guy did actually ask me what was wrong with me again today...I don't know how he can tell! I actually asked how he knew something is wrong with me. I didn't tell him of course, but it makes me feel good that at least someone cares. So I lied; one person at my work asked how I was. I just didn't tell.

I never tell. I have SUCH a problem sharing my feelings. Even if it's about something small. I just can't do it. I force people to tell me their problems but I never never never share any of mine.

It. Gets. OLD.
For me and everyone around me.

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