Thursday, April 9, 2009

110+ ughhh

I'm not sure how much I weigh but I am POSITIVE it is over 110 and it is killing me...
I took some laxitives @ like 3 and they still haven't done anything! Last time I took them, they didn't work either!! I'm like so blocked up laxitives don't even work (gross,I know). Any ideas why this is happening/how to fix it??
The plan for tomorrow is to not eat at all. My parents will be gone most of the day so it can't be too hard.

Anyways, an update on the work situation:
Another girl from my work kept talking about food/eating in front of me the last time I worked. I can't tell if I'm just paranoid now or if it was just casual conversation.
Second, that guy at my work STILL knows there is something up. I don't think the girl told him. I just think he knows me too well and is starting to catch on. Everytime I see him I have him asking me what is wrong with me like 456744682 times. I think it is nice that he cares rather than annoying. I just don't want him to get on the right track mostly because I don't want him to worry...he has enough to worry about.

I'm pretty sure he will figure it out sooner or later. I remember him telling me a long time ago that he had problems with anorexia a few years ago. Also recently he keeps telling me how much weight he has been losing (he's SUPER skinny already).


1 comment:

  1. How often do you take laxies? If you've used too much you're fucked. Jk! You just need to stop taking them if that's the case and load up on fiber and stimulants. Oh and don't drink alcohol, as it constipates you.

    If you don't use them that often, I'd recommend Colace, which when combined with fiber powder and a bit of prayer works like a dream for me. It's technically a "stool softener" as opposed to a laxative, so "it doesn't MAKE you go, it just makes it EASIER for you to go" ha ha that's from a commercial, I'm pretty sure :P

    Or if you wanna go the super natural route, perdiem works pretty well and is virtually impossible to abuse - my dad's been using it his whole life practically.

    It's so sad how I know these things. But hope it helped a bit!

    and no, no one has noticed my tattoo except for bff GZ. Lame!
