Monday, April 20, 2009

Fuck 4/20.

Why is it that some bugs only come around during part of the year (June bugs, mosquito eaters, etc.)? Where exactly do they go the rest of the year? I'm assuming they all die but then how do they come back?

Yes, these are the things that I think about at 3 am god dammit!!

I ate brownies today.
End of story.

P.S. Fuck you 4/20 and all you represent. Whatever asshole invented this day needs to die. I do not enjoy worrying about 99% of the people I know all on one day. I know a lot of you girls are into that shit so you prob don't agree....I really don't care. I'm sorry. I'm mean @ 3 am! I hope you guys are safe today though. That's all.

If this post was confusing to read, sorry.
It's 3 am.
I'm hungry.
I'm bloated.
I haven't eaten anything but brownies.
I'm pissed off that I have people to worry about.
I don't like life right now.
I can't remember what I like to do.
It's really hot.
Fucking mosquito eaters are buzzing around my room.
I don't like bugs.
This is making no sense.
I don't care anymore....


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