Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My brain fell out of my ear.

Under 110 again today! Phew!

I've had a much better day today. I'm not even talking about eating wise. I just mean, I felt happier today. It's weird. I must have crazy mood swings every day or something. One day in super down and the next I'm super up.

There's one thing I have noticed about myself is really starting to trip me out though...
Sometimes I will notice that I feel like I'm not even in my own body! It's almost like I am someone watching a movie of myself and I never know what I'm going to do next! Wtf! Am I a freak or is this semi-normal? It's like, I'm kind of just there and my brain is sitting on the table next to me, watching for what's next.

Now that I sound like a schizo, I'm outta here.

P.S. I don't do drugs so it's not because of that lol.

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